Friday, February 23, 2007

Here is the cutest ever job chart. Isn't it great?? I covered it with laminate and put magnets on the back and then I put some magnets on a pen holder I had and it's all on the fridge- part of our preschool home. I'm working on finishing Aidan's and Blake's. I'll show you theirs ASAP.
LOVE this kit as well, and esp. the ribbon round frame. Thanks to BrenBoone_JohnnyBoy for the kit, and BTuma_OhSoHappy_RibbonFrame for the ribbon frame.

I made one of these (same kit, different LO) for Aidan and they are each framed over their beds. The blue and red are the colors we used in the room.

The kit is by LaurenGrier-BeepTruck Edition. Thank you I LOVE this kit.

Thanks for coming out to visit us Oma and Opa. We had a great time, and great pics as usual.

Thanks to TReed_2UwithLove for the cord hearts, MMcLain_2UwithLove_word_Adore for the word art and paper.

I got on!!!! I've been having trouble with my blog... anyway I'm back.

Just FYI, Blake got stuck in a tree today. He couldn't get down so he just kept going up. ????!!!!

So, it's boot camp here at the Lentz house. I spoke with Jeannette French who travels the country doing seminars on conscious discipline and she said what I needed was a preschool at home. The environment anyway, I have plenty of kids. So, that's what I'm up to. And finishing a scrapbook for a client. I have 3 more on the back-burner and some smaller things like brag books. So, it's going well. I love it I just need more time.

So, here are some more LO's of the kids

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