Thursday, October 27, 2011

catching up on October

It’s been a while since I posted!  We’ve been BUSY.  Too busy to stop.  Now, I think we have some time to catch our breath for a bit though.  Maybe just maybe I’ll even find some time to scrap some of the pictures!


The bug was finally able to clip a dragonfly’s wings!  Sounds cruel, but it’s not.  He flew off after I took these photos of my not proud daughter.


The bug getting her softball medal.  She improved sooo much and LOVES softball/baseball.  That’s her awesome coach.  Yes, he got some grief from all the girls and parents about that horrible shirt he wore.

Then my parents made it and we went to Branson, MO.


The fish hatchery was way cooler than I thought it would be.  The kids thought so too.


Who knew feeding the fish could be so much fun?!  When you throw in the food,

the water just erupts in slimy fish fighting for it.  Gives me the willies.


Then Opa taught the kids to skip rocks.  The record was 8 times. 


I just thought this was a cool tree.


The kids on a trolly.  It was parked, but you wouldn’t know that it didn’t get any more exciting than this if I didn’t tell you. 


Much to my oldest boys delight we went to play miniature golf.  He LOVES mini golf. 


Here we all are. 


Down by the river in Branson.  This was pretty cool.  They played music and had the water fountain that did a show with lights and even the towers there that spewed fire. 


We ate a lovely lunch at Big Cedar Lodge.  And look!  There’s even a picture of me that I don’t hate…. don’t love it, but don’t hate it either. 

Then my parents left and we went to the BIG corn maze in town with our Classical Conversations group.  It was muddy fun. 


And now you’re all caught up to last week.   Ugh!  I’m still behind.

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