OK. I saw POTC3 last night. It was great. Great ending. Although it does sort of hint at another... My friend thought Orlando Bloom grew up in this one... he looked pretty grown up to me before, but yeah, he's looking nice. More piratey. I'm not sure what the critics say about it- not that I ever agree with them, but it was great. I guess I already said that. Well, it was.
I'll be posting pics of the boys' room ASAP. Ray has to fix the corner of the CARS pic (the corner of the plexiglass broke- if you know my boys you understand) and then we'll hang it. Hopefully today. Looking at Hailey's room, the headboard paited on the wall is so cute, but it's too high. Not Pop-pop's fault at all- there is trim going around with wallpaper beneath. We're trying to think on what to do with that... don't know whether to raise her bed on "stilts" or to take down the trim and re
do the walls.
What do you think? Please comment and let me know.

Is her bed a little low? I think I'd raise it - unless you'll have boys underneath it too much! You wouldn't want them to be able to knock it down. If you took the trim off, you'd really still have to do a fairly major design change to the bottom area of the headboard. Will have to think about it...
I would remove the trim and raise the bed:) Love the paint job! It is a beautiful design!!
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