Thursday, January 08, 2009

Calm and Peaceful

That is my motto for this year. And my goal. Calm and Peaceful. I have in an effort to start out the year right removed myself from many obligations that I had. I also noticed that women who knit seam to be calm and peaceful. So I have taken up knitting. I hope it works. But I enjoy doing that while watching a movie or show with the kids. Keeps my hands busy. I am on my second dish towel (after my first I decided I needed another go before moving to the sweater). My Mom showed me how when she visited although I think she was hoping I'd be a knitting prodigy. I have also come to the conclusion that this is why many women have arthritis in their fingers and hands. Yikes my fingers hurt.

As you can see, I didn't finish it right b/c that tail doesn't go through the Cast off thing. I'm not down with the terminology yet.

1 comment:

CT said...

Go Girl!